
Ofsted specific feedback:

At Westerings Primary Academy, when Vice Principal responsible for teaching & learning and Computing:

  • The headteacher, ably supported by other senior leaders, have established a culture of high expectations at the school and has ensured that teaching is good and pupils learn well. (Ofsted 2017)
  • The school makes excellent use of technology to support and enhance teaching and learning. Pupils are confident users of digital media, and learning is regularly enhanced through the effective use of this technology.  (Ofsted 2017)
  • School leaders are fully committed to ensuring that every pupil at the school does as well as they possibly can. They have ensured that teaching is typically good and that personal development, behaviour and welfare are outstanding. (Ofsted 2017)
  • School leaders know the school and the community it serves extremely well. (Ofsted 2017)

One of my main passions, is sharing my love for teaching and learning through the use of technology. I've supported the roll-out of GSuite at other local schools and presented to over twenty local headteachers about the benefits of a 'cloud-based' school setup. I have also developed our computing curriculum to fully utilise the existing and new technology available...

"The computing curriculum is a particular strength. Pupils in key stage 1 learn about algorithms and simple programming. In key stage 2 pupils learn about networks and build their own personal websites, with many pupils developing high levels of skills and knowledge. School leaders also share expertise with local schools, and in so doing, often utilise and further develop the expertise of older pupils.

Pupils from Year 6 recently demonstrated the school’s approach to computing to a group of local headteachers." (Ofsted 2017)

Older pupils also act as digital leaders, working with the vice-principal to promote the use of technology across the school and supporting work on e-safety. Pupils love school. (Ofsted 2017)

At Trinity St. Mary's, South Woodham, I enjoyed my time as assistant headteacher, the Year 5 teacher and enhancing the computing provision as ICT leader. I was predominently class-based and taught the Year 5 class each year whilst managing the day-to-day operation of the school in the executive-headteacher's absence (weekly responsibility of leading two schools).

  • Modern technology is used well by pupils to support their learning. In Year 5, pupils used podcasting effectively to create and enhance an audio presentation of their recent residential visit. Some pupils skilfully faded music or sound effects in and out of their broadcast.

(Ofsted 2012)

  • Examples of outstanding practice were seen in English and in information and communication technology in Year 5. In these lessons, the teacher’s high expectations, enthusiasm, strong subject knowledge and challenging activities led to outstanding gains in pupils’ learning. Pupils successfully assessed their own and others’ learning.

(Ofsted 2012)

Qualifications & Awards

•BA Hons Primary Education & Geography degree (QTS)

•Princess Diana Memorial Award in 2001

•Advanced Skills Teacher (AST) status awarded in 2008/9

•Awarded Chartered London Teacher status in 2010.

•SLE (Specialist Leader of Education) awarded in 2015

•Assistant Headship of Trinity St Mary’s in Essex (2011-13).

•Vice Principal of Westerings Academy in Essex (2013 - 19)

•Head of Academy - Westerings Primary Academy (2020-2021)

  • Headteacher - Westerings Primary Academy (2021-pt)